Cookie Policy

This site uses third-party analytical cookies. For each of them you can decide to accept or reject their installation.

Google Analytics
We use the statistical functions provided by Google Analytics. The activation of these functions allows Google Analytics to collect data on traffic and your behavior on this site through cookies. This information is stored in the Google Analytics database and could be used by Google to analyze your behavior for commercial purposes that go beyond the statistical purposes for which we use this tool.
To know more:


Youtube (by Google)
We embed Youtube videos via iframes. The site could in turn install third-party cookies, within these iframes, and share these cookies with other Google products. For this reason, before viewing a Youtube video, if consent has not been given in advance, we inform you with a banner and a link to the cookie policy of the website.
to know more


What are Cookies?

Cookies are packets of information sent by a web server (eg the site) to the user’s Internet browser, automatically memorized by the latter on the computer and automatically sent back to the server at each subsequent access to the site. By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. Typically cookies can be installed:

  • directly from the owner and/or manager of the website (so-called first-party cookies);
  • by managers unrelated to the website visited by the user (so-called third-party cookies). Unless otherwise specified, please note that these cookies fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the same manager. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the websites of the respective operators.

This website may use, also in combination with each other, the following types of cookies classified according to the indications of the Privacy Guarantor and the opinions issued in the European context by the GDPR Working Group:

  • Session: these are cookies that are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and are deleted when the browser is closed, they are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site, avoiding the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users’ browsing.
  • Persistent: these are cookies that remain stored on the computer’s hard drive until they expire or are canceled by users/visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors who access the site (or any other users who use the same computer) are automatically recognized at each visit. Visitors can set their computer browser to accept/reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is offered, in order to evaluate whether to accept it or not. However, the user can change the default configuration and disable cookies (ie block them permanently), setting the highest level of protection.
  • Technical: these are cookies used to authenticate or to allow the choice of navigation language. In general, therefore, it is not necessary to acquire the prior and informed consent of the user. This category also includes cookies used to statistically analyze accesses/visits to the site only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and through the collection of information in aggregate form.
  • Non-technical: they are all cookies used for profiling and marketing purposes. Their use on users’ terminals is prohibited if they have not been adequately informed beforehand and have not given valid consent in this regard according to the opt-in technique. These types of cookies can, in turn, be grouped according to the functions they perform.
  • Analytical: these are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses/visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as the credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, visited sites, downloaded content, types of interactions made, etc.).

Cookies for which consent is required

If you give your consent through one of the simplified methods described in the information presented at the time of your first access to this site or by following the instructions below, additional cookies may be installed and/or allowed to be installed by the third-party companies indicated below. , so-called of profiling, for which you can choose to modify or revoke all or part of the consent given.

How to disable cookies by configuring your browser

If you wish, you can directly manage cookies also through the settings of your browser. In fact, it is possible to deactivate third-party cookies, thus avoiding their installation even if you give your consent on this site. Or you can delete all cookies stored in your browser. However, deleting cookies from your browser could remove the preferences you have set for this site. For more information and support you can also visit the specific help page of the web browser you are using:

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